Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Scores Are IN!!! =)

Today my second semester Geometry EOC scores came in and they are great!!  I'm so proud of my students.  One of my classes had nothing but scores of GOOD or EXCELLENT =D

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Algebra I: Poster Project

During my Algebra I Remediation course, I teach my students how to solve equations using four different techniques.  After learning all four techniques, I assign each student an equation and ask them to create a poster showing how to graph that one problem using each technique.  Here is an example of one of my student's posters.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I TEACH... What's Your Super Power? =)

I had someone express an interest in knowing what classes I am currently teaching.
This school year my school has switched to the block system.  Our block system is designed so that I teach three classes during the first semester and three classes during the second semester.  Each class period is 90 minutes long.  This is my first year teaching on a block schdule and at first I was very nervous.  I worried about how I would keep the students' attention for that long and how I would cover the required material in half the time.  Now that the school year is almost over, I cannot believed that I ever worried about those things.  I find that my students and I are really enjoying the change.  They seem to like the block system because they have fewer classes at one time and less homework to worry about.  I like it because I have fewer classes to teach in a day and am able to keep up with my grading easier.
During the first semester, I taught Geometry Remediation, Geometry, and Algebra I Remediation.  I am very proud of my first semester students because almost all of them passed their EOC (End-of-Course test).  For the second semester, I am currently teaching Geometry Honors (9th grade), Geometry, and Geometry Remediation.  My second semester students are scheduled to take their EOC on Monday, May 6th.  I am crossing my fingers.

Reminder =)

I want to remind everyone that this blog was designed in the hopes of instituting a teacher mentoring program at my current school.  This means that it is meant for teacher-to-teacher communication and was not designed for student use.  My blog would not have been accessible by my students because the school smart-filter blocks blogspot and most of my students do not have internet at home.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Check Out My Glog =)

Here is a link to my Math Glog.

If you would like to create one of your own, you can go to

Check Out My Classroom =)

I had a someone interested in seeing my classroom, so here it is....
Can you tell what my favorite color is?  Yep, purple. =)
Behind my desk I have a collage of my family and some places that I have traveled. 
The wooden box is actually my turn-in station.  I had a problem with some students stealing others work, so I designed a locked turn-in box and my dad made it for me.