Thursday, April 25, 2013

I TEACH... What's Your Super Power? =)

I had someone express an interest in knowing what classes I am currently teaching.
This school year my school has switched to the block system.  Our block system is designed so that I teach three classes during the first semester and three classes during the second semester.  Each class period is 90 minutes long.  This is my first year teaching on a block schdule and at first I was very nervous.  I worried about how I would keep the students' attention for that long and how I would cover the required material in half the time.  Now that the school year is almost over, I cannot believed that I ever worried about those things.  I find that my students and I are really enjoying the change.  They seem to like the block system because they have fewer classes at one time and less homework to worry about.  I like it because I have fewer classes to teach in a day and am able to keep up with my grading easier.
During the first semester, I taught Geometry Remediation, Geometry, and Algebra I Remediation.  I am very proud of my first semester students because almost all of them passed their EOC (End-of-Course test).  For the second semester, I am currently teaching Geometry Honors (9th grade), Geometry, and Geometry Remediation.  My second semester students are scheduled to take their EOC on Monday, May 6th.  I am crossing my fingers.

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